Hey! I'm Zandro

Front-End Developer Crafting UI/UX for Web and Mobile

From Casual Gaming to Developer Center: My Workstation Evolution

Over time, my mission evolved, and so did my workstation.
It all started during the pandemic... Strap in.

January 2020
After splurging on a new laptop, I stretched the last of my budget to repaint my room and grab a decent table—a setup that screamed “just enough for the downpayment, but hey, it works!”
Sept 2021
My laptop wasn’t just for online classes and engineering tasks—it was a gateway to gaming too.

So, I leveled-up my desk into a dual-screen setup. With a Himalayan salt lamp for that cozy glow, my space became a blend of productivity and play.
Dec 2023
Fast forward to December 2023—time for a career pivot. I had experience in building websites but wanted to revisit and solidify my foundations in web development.

Armed with a JavaScript book, I dove into refining my skills with HTML, CSS, and JS.

Though my second monitor bit the dust, my trusty laptop and the same old table stood strong. This familiar setup became the launchpad for my new path, fueling countless code-filled nights.

May 2024
I had the great opportunity to join Olly Olly as a Web Admin, diving deep into best practices for site builders, CMS, and website maintenance.
Charlotte, North Carolina

since 2018

Digital marketing for small(ish) businesses

With a new second monitor in tow, I had never felt so productive—juggling tasks with ease and efficiency.
July 2024
My horizontal dual monitor setup had me constantly swiveling my head. To fix this, I invested in a monitor mount and switched to a vertical setup.

This upgrade improved my posture and made it easy to focus straight ahead or glance downward, maximizing comfort and minimizing head movement.

This upgrade wasn’t just a game-changer for ergonomics; it supercharged my productivity. With the new setup, I breezed through a Google course on the foundations of UX design, completing it with ease and efficiency.

Zandro, Front-end Developer

🚀 Google Career Certificate
Foundations of User Experience
(UX) Design
August 2024
Working night shifts on US hours meant my speakers had to go—no need to disturb the sleeping neighbors. I switched to headphones, embracing the quiet while leveling up my setup.

Tidying up my space, I cut the cords and upgraded to a wireless ergonomic mouse with extra buttons for more control and efficiency.

To bring a bit of life to my late-night sessions, I added a few plants—because who says you can’t code in harmony with nature?
Coming soon
I’m already excited about what’s next—maybe a new powerhouse laptop? Or perhaps a standing desk to keep things dynamic? Who knows what the future holds?

One thing’s for sure: I’ll keep tweaking, upgrading, and fine-tuning my setup, making it the coziest, most efficient space as I level up in my career.

Ready to Build the Future Together?
From humble beginnings to a fully optimized workspace, my journey is just getting started. Whether it's coding, designing, or problem-solving, I’m always eager to create the next big thing.

If you’re as excited about the future as I am, let’s connect and turn ideas into reality!

Let’s Connect